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Fact Check

Fact Check: Develop Self

Dear young medic,

You are going after the bag

Handling 3+ locums back-to-back

You barely have time to rest.


Do you see an end to this rat race?

Do you enjoy living like this?


If you do, this thread is not for you.

But if you don’t, please continue reading.


Chasing the bag is good.

But it has to be done in a way that is sustainable in the long run.


How do you go about this?

Drop some of the locum opportunities.

Remain with a few that can foot your bills and leave something in your account.

Create time to invest in yourself.


Learn this, you are your greatest asset.

The best investment you can ever make is investing in yourself.

It is the safest and easiest shortcut out of the locum rat race.


Here is how to do it:

1. Enrol for Online Short-courses

Many universities are currently offering online short courses.

The University of Washington, department of global health is a good place, to begin with.

2. Build Your Leadership Skills

Enrol for leadership courses.

Read books on leadership.

Watch Youtube videos on team dynamics etc.

Your next opportunity may require the leader in you, on top of your medical skills.

3. Learn How to Communicate

In the job market, most people are paid for their PERCEIVED value and not REAL value.

You create your perceived value by how you communicate your brand.

And this is why you need to learn how to communicate – both spoken and written communication.

4. Learn People Skills

In the job market, people are your ladder up to where you need to get to.

Learn how to create and maintain networks.

I hope this helps.

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